I haven't got to introduce to you some of my siblings that I have, but I'll get to that soon. Right now, I just wanted to tell you about one sibling named, Teach. She is 2 years older than me, but that's okay, it's all part of a family tree. Anyway, she's on an LDS mission to Forth Worth Texas. She's doing so well, at least she's teaching everyone in Texas all about it. That's just a quick thing about her. Probably for some time, I'll talk about an entire story for each sibling and then I may talk about my accomplishment in Boys Scouts.

Right about now, I want to talk about this quick post of what she and I have done that was fun for the both of us. She is right in these pictures with me to a concert down in Salt Lake City. It was on October 1, of 2012. I know that was just last year, but I wanted to speak about this fun concert. Teach and I went to a concert downtown in Salt Lake City. This concert
we went was played by my favorite famous band...OWL CITY!
I've been dying to see an Owl City concert in my life. Teach and I got
to buy two tickets before the night of the concert. We dressed up in
nice school clothes. I wore my Sonic shirt, because it represents about
Owl City's music sounding like video games sounds. The concert was
inside a special bar called The Depot. We had to wait in line to get our
tickets ripped and then head on in. We followed the crowd to an open
floor where the stage was. It took half an hour for it to start. The
concert started with a gig by this music artist called Matthew Koma. He
played a few songs for half an hour before the actual Owl City concert
started. Some of the songs by Matthew Koma were really loud that mine
and Teach's eardrums almost exploded into deaf-ears.
Adam Young performing |
Anyway, they reset the stage with the instruments for the Owl City band.
We all started to cheer when Adam Young came out from backstage and
started singing. Teach and I were so thrilled to see Adam Young in
person, especially up close. We never got to meet him, (I wish we had)
but it was cool to see him up on stage in person. He also said a lot of
things, like he said that Salt Lake City, Utah is one of his favorite
places to go. Which that made me and Teach feel thrilled to hear that
from the most awesome band.
They played lots of songs from multiple albums they made, especially the
song called "Fireflies." We started to sing along to new songs from the
Midsummer Station album, like Teach loved the song about a high speed
chase song called "I'm Coming After You." The lights on the stage were
so cool when they changed into lots of different colors. With one
guitarist, it showed an affect on him that he used his guitar as a
violin, along with a bow. Teach and I thought it was really funny. What
was also funny was when they started playing "Shooting Star," Teach and
I felt some raindrops on our heads. We both laughed when we felt it.

know almost all of the Owl City songs, since I've been hearing them a
lot. Every time a song starts playing, Teach asked me what song it was,
and then I tell her. We loved singing along to the songs that they
played on stage. The concert lasted from 8:30 to 10:00. After the
concert was over, we were both so happy that we had a lot of fun seeing
the Owl City concert and seeing Adam Young up close. Teach and I got
some Matthew Koma merchandises, and then we were on our way home to get
some sleep. Maybe we'll have some Firefly visions in our sleep, after
all, we saw the concert. It was really fun to talk about the most
amazing concert that I've ever been to in all my life.
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